Friday, October 29, 2004

Turn Offs/Loser List: People who use weird words in their speech to ostentatiously flaunt their command of the language and end up having to explain it to the whole crowd.
Why wear fake diamonds when everyone can recognize them? You'll end up being mocked at by the ladies in the group.
Accruing t-shirt size stickers can really help to decorate your room aesthetically.
Until you don't have a big mouth, never try to show your large feet.
The best a girl can get : Extremely Stylish Teachers
The worst a girl can get: Extremely Stylish Parents
The best for a geek: Great Teachers
The best for a geek: Crazy Parents

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Searching for oxymorons in every public conversation is not a good idea.
If you try to suddenly stop your motion, right after jumping from a moving bus, you fall. Never try to do something earth-shattering until the moment invites you to.
The best a normal student can get : Crazy Teachers
The worst a normal student can get: Great Parents

Thursday, October 14, 2004

When born, we were just a couple of fingers away from being classified as "poop"
For olfactory delights, nothing surpasses petrol/kerosene.
On a lesser formal moment, it might be "the best thing little money can buy".
Whenever you're extremely tense, you always see the glass half full.
Horse shit and your lab chemicals together in vicinity produce that legal, dealy weapon.